What CBD Cream is Best for Arthritis? - FOCL

What CBD Cream is Best for Arthritis?

While cannabidiol (CBD) still has gray areas, according to most researchers, a growing body of evidence shows it potentially has numerous health benefits. 

In particular, CBD has been shown to support pain management, anxiety reduction, and better sleep. So if you're battling chronic arthritis pain, you might have probably considered turning to topical CBD for pain relief. 

But with the influx of CBD products on the market, it isn't easy to tell whether what you're getting has the correct CBD ingredients to help with the pain. Even worse, since MHRAs like the FDA do not regulate CBD, their safety and quality is not guaranteed. 

Indeed, a lab data analysis revealed that 25% of CBD products are untested. The possibility of such products being contaminated with trace metals, pesticide residue, and microbial contaminants is actually quite high. 

In essence, you could easily end up with a CBD product that compounds rather than solves your problems. So if you are looking for the best CBD cream for arthritis, look no further. We have exactly what you're looking for.


What is CBD relief cream?

A CBD relief cream is a topical that contains CBD as the active ingredient. They are typically applied to the skin to provide relief from various illnesses and conditions.

Since the emergence of CBD, its popularity has grown in leaps and bounds. It's like the proverbial 'idea' whose time has come! Many people have turned to these natural remedies because they are perceived to be affordable, easy to obtain, and have fewer side effects. 

Indeed, a recent survey in the U.S. indicated that 64% of adults were familiar with CBD and its products. Another survey carried out two years ago showed that 33% of Americans have used CBD. 

Further, one in seven Americans consistently uses CBD as part of their daily health and wellness routine. 

Currently, topicals, gummies, and capsules are the most popular CBD products. 


Does CBD help with arthritis pain?

A growing body of research shows that CBD could help with a lot of health conditions, pain being one of them.

In recent times, the CBD-pain relationship has become more evident as researchers dive deeper into the workings of CBD. But how does CBD help reduce arthritis pain?

Arthritis is an autoimmune disease where the body attacks its joints. Over time, it destroys the bone and cartilage, leading to loss of joint function. While the symptoms of arthritis vary from one patient to another, these are the most common:

  • Chronic pain
  • Inflammation and swelling
  • Reduced appetite

CBD's pain-relieving mechanism is associated with how it interacts with the human endocannabinoid system (ECS). This system comprises endogenous cannabinoids (cannabinoids produced by the body), cannabinoid receptors (CB1 and CB2), and enzymes responsible for synthesizing and breaking down the endocannabinoids. 

It's important to note that there are other active sites besides CB1 and CB2 in the ECS. These include the transient receptor potential (TRP) channels and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) that are also acted on by other cannabinoids.

Exogenous cannabinoids like tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and CBD induce various biological effects on the body through their interactions with cannabinoid receptors, inflammatory and nociceptive systems. CB1 receptors are abundant in the central nervous system (CNS) and are responsible for THC's emotional and cognitive effects. 

Further, it also influences pain perception. On the other hand, CB2 receptors are more prominent in the peripheral nervous system and the immune cells. 

Usually, when there is inflammation, the body produces endocannabinoids [2-arachidonoyl glycerol (2-AG) and arachidonoyl ethanolamide (anandamide)]. These are synthesized and broken down via different enzymatic pathways resulting in different pathophysiological and physiological roles. 

It is believed that CBD does not bind itself to the receptors but induces the release of specific ECS components that trigger the synthesis and degradation of 2-AG and anandamide. 

In doing so, it influences a wide range of responses from the peripheral, central nervous, and immune systems. These responses are what we associate with pain and inflammation reduction or stress relief.

In fact, in some early model studies, CBD has been shown to prevent nerve damage and slow the development of osteoarthritis. 

Clinical studies on the effect of CBD on rats with arthritis have yielded promising results.

For instance, in one such study, researchers applied a CBD gel of different CBD concentrations to rats with arthritis. After four days, they noted reduced pain and inflammation in the affected joints. No side effects were reported. 

However, rats that received lower doses did not register better pain scores. In other words, there was no significant reduction in pain, suggesting that there is an effective dose of CBD for pain management.

On the whole, studies show that CBD may influence how your brain perceives pain by interacting with serotonin receptors to increase the production of serotonin. This creates a relaxing feeling in the brain and body, thus reducing the intensity of arthritis pain.

Research findings are a more solid basis for determining whether CBD may help with arthritis pain. However, they often sound too academic and uninspiring. People often want something more relatable, like real-life testimonies from people who've used CBD to reduce arthritis pain.


Personal testimonies from arthritis patients 

Eileen Donovan from Ayer, Massachusetts, is living proof of the effectiveness of CBD in managing osteoarthritis pain. Having tried medical prescriptions with varying degrees of success, she finally tried CBD and never looked elsewhere. 

For someone who had really struggled with daily routines like standing and walking due to chronic joints and muscle aches, CBD topicals enabled her to forget about her pain and go on with everyday life. 

April Olshavsky first tried CBD in 2016 after suffering severe endometriosis pain. She took CBD vape/inhaler and felt her muscles relax, as the pain became more bearable right away. Such pain would have taken her to the emergency room at other times.

She eventually shifted to CBD topicals because she could target her sore joints directly.

Angie Kynaston's life was unbearable due to the hand pain caused by osteoarthritis. This nurse and mom from Draper, Utah, often endured sharp jolting pain that kept her awake most nights. Having only one kidney meant she couldn't use many conventional arthritis treatments and pain medications. 

She eventually tried a marijuana cream with THC and CBD and noticed "almost immediate results" within minutes. For the first time since her condition began, she felt hopeful.

After one hip surgery and two knee replacements, Mary Partridge from Dallas, Texas, relied on canes to move within her house and a wheelchair when outside. Though still in her early forties, rheumatoid arthritis and juvenile arthritis had taken a severe toll on her health. 

A year after her surgery, she received a bottle of CBD capsules as a get-well gift from a friend. The results were "almost immediate” – the swelling and stiffness in her feet and hands reduced significantly. She continued to take the capsules, and her pain improved so much that she was eventually capable of walking unaided.

There's no doubt that such testimonies inspire you and many others to try CBD to manage chronic arthritis pain. While some, like Jessie Abdullah, did not feel immediate relief until six months later, most of these experiences tell us that CBD can have life-changing results. 


What CBD cream is good for arthritis pain? 


As mentioned earlier, hundreds of CBD topicals are on the market, all claiming to have that special healing effect on arthritis pain. 

However, we know that an effective CBD cream should ideally be made from premium hemp CBD and organic ingredients with pain-healing and soothing properties.

Since CBD is only usable if bonded to a carrier element like oil or alcohol, it's logical that the carrier medium will also play a vital role in the effectiveness of the CBD cream. 

This is why the FOCL Relief Cream is the best CBD cream for arthritis pain. Combining 500 milligrams of premium US-grown hemp CBD with eight different potent organic botanicals, this product gives you quick relief from aches, pains, and inflammation. In particular, the camphor bark oil ingredient is included because it is quite effective on cramps, stiffness, and swelling.





If you are an active person engaging in strenuous activities, then our Relief Cream is certainly the CBD cream for you. After your workouts, apply it directly to the sore muscles to stimulate recovery and alleviate pain. 

For people dealing with long-lasting chronic pain, we recommend applying this CBD cream to the problem areas consistently and incorporating it into your daily routine.


Side effects of CBD topical cream 

As with all treatments, there could be downsides to using CBD.

The most common side effects of CBD are drowsiness, dry mouth, diarrhea, fatigue, and changes in appetite and weight. Even then, cannabis experts contend that these side effects are dose-dependent. 

Topical CBD products are not known to have any adverse side effects. Mild irritation is possible due to another ingredient in the product. On rare occasions, side effects have been associated with CBD edibles, not topicals. So it's perfectly okay to use CBD topicals as long as you restrict application.

Nonetheless, some lab tests have shown that cannabinoids can dampen the body's immune system. This has been observed in regular users of THC. 

Experts argue that if the ECS detects an influx of exogenous cannabinoids in the systemic circulation, it can initiate a response to keep cannabinoid levels normal. This could mean switching its own supply of cannabinoids until the situation stabilizes. 

Recall that one of the functions of the endocannabinoid system is to maintain a state of equilibrium or homeostasis. So, if there is too much of one substance or hormone in circulation, it's always possible it will try to counterbalance the influx.

Lastly, dermatologists contend that since the skin absorbs everything, there might be some risks involved for people using CBD topicals. But this is primarily a product quality issue, given that some CBD creams contain unsafe compounds.


Where to buy CBD creams for arthritis

The only way to be sure that your CBD cream, or any other CBD product, is legit is to buy it from certified CBD vendors. Of course, this presumes that medical marijuana is legal in your state or province.

Our online FOCL store store is stocked with a wide variety of high-quality CBD products ranging from creams, gummies, oils, and capsules. But more importantly, we ensure that our products work.

Our products are made with non-GMO ingredients in an FDA-approved, food-grade, good manufacturing practice (GMP) compliant facility. 

Further, FOCL products are third-party tested to ensure compliance with the highest quality and safety standards, hence our TRU-ID badge.

We believe that for a compound that possesses such immense possibilities as far as optimum health is concerned, you should only get the best. At FOCL, we take 'feeling better' seriously, so we want to take you to the next level of rest, play, and work!