Clock in the center of a circle of maple leafs.

How to Adjust to Time Change Fall Back

When the time changes, you might feel weird. Suddenly, your evening commute makes it seem like you’ve worked a 12-hour shift. You may even find yourself waking up feeling confused and wondering “what time is it actually?”

Daylight savings time’s fallback means you get an extra hour of sleep, but end up with less sunlight during the evening. Shorter days and early sunsets can have you feeling out of whack.

Not only is it strange to adjust to the time change, but it can also impact your health. Light and darkness play a role in your circadian rhythm, which affects the internal bodily processes that help you sleep soundly. This can mess with your energy levels and overall productivity.

Plus, a decrease in sunlight can trigger symptoms in people that struggle with seasonal affective disorder and have you lacking some good old Vitamin D. 

It can take your body up to a week or longer to adjust to the changes that daylight savings time provokes. Still, we’ve got some tips and tricks to make the transition a little easier. 


Key takeaways

  • Daylight savings time can make the days seem shorter.
  • Time fallback can be difficult to adjust to.
  • There are things you can do to make the transition easier.
  • FOCL CBD and CBN products may be beneficial for deeper sleep.


How to adjust to time change fallback

Some people thrive when daylight savings time comes around in the fall - but many don’t. For those of you who suffer when days become shorter, we’ve compiled a list of tips that will help you adjust accordingly and get your life back on track. 


Try CBD in your evening routine for sleep

Incorporating CBD into your nighttime routine may help you get better sleep. CBD, otherwise known as cannabidiol, is a compound found in cannabis that is legal all across the US, as long as it’s hemp-derived. As a bonus, CBD is non-psychoactive and produces no mind-bending effects. 

While studies about the effects of CBD and sleep are still ongoing, initial outcomes are promising and show that CBD may possibly serve as a sleep aid and in decreasing stress levels. 

If you want to try CBD for sleep, your best bet is FOCL Night. These capsules are packed with premium hemp CBD to help the body and mind relax, passion flower to help you fall asleep quicker, valerian to repair the mind and body offering deeper sleep, ashwagandha to reduce inflammation, hops cones to support healthy rest cycles, and simplicifolia to assist the body’s production of serotonin and melatonin.

This dream team of CBD and soothing botanicals is sure to have you snoozing away in no time. 


Create a nighttime routine

Creating a nighttime routine can help send signals to your brain that it’s time to go to sleep. Relaxing activities and self-care will help wind you down for the day.

For example, taking a warm bubble bath, sipping on some non-caffeinated tea, reading a book, or meditation are habits that can help prepare your body and mind for sleep. 


Turn back clocks in advance

Most smartphones and computers update the time automatically, so checking your phone should be your best bet if you wake up confused and wondering what time it is.

That being said, you might still have clocks that need to be manually updated. Updating the time a day or two before the change on your manual clocks, microwaves, and cars can help you stay on track and arrive on time for your commitments, whether that’s work, school, or social events. 


Stick to a sleep schedule

Ah, yes, the never-ending cycle of daytime and nighttime schedules. While it may be hard for some people to stick to one, incorporating a sleep schedule can help you avoid changes in mood, energy levels, and concentration while helping to restore your sleep cycle, and can be beneficial to your overall health. 

Making sure you get between seven to nine hours of sleep a night and fighting the urge to stay up an hour longer to watch one more episode or scroll through social media for just a bit longer can help your body adjust to the time change. 


Limit your screen time in the evenings

Although most people scroll through their phones before going to bed, it can be highly beneficial to limit the time you spend on your phone and computer.

Because screens emit high levels of blue light, this can disrupt and impact your sleep schedule by affecting your circadian rhythm and lowering melatonin levels, which can be affected by light and help you fall asleep.

Limiting screen time before bed or using apps that filter out or block blue light may help you get better sleep and adjust to the time change, so you can wake up feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.