Does CBD Help Dogs Sleep at Night? - FOCL

Does CBD Help Dogs Sleep at Night?

Like humans, dogs have sleep issues that might cause or aggravate behavioral problems. Other drawbacks caused by sleep deprivation in dogs are reduced mental and physical performance. 

Sleep problems in dogs can result from recovering from surgery or an illness. Older dogs often have problems falling asleep. Luckily you can get CBD for your dogs to sleep deeply and for longer. 


What is CBD?

CBD, full-name cannabidiol, is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid with medicinal and therapeutic benefits for humans and pets, especially dogs. Its growing popularity has not escaped the eye of the FDA despite the reluctance to approve it save for a seizure medication called Epidiolex. 

Unlike tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), CBD does not cause a “high” in dogs or people. Recent experiments have shown that injecting your pup with a 35mg per kilogram dosage may improve the length of sleeping hours. 

Even though CBD is generally safe for people, you should ensure the supplements or injections you give your pup are equally safe. Some CBD supplements are stronger than others, so it is vital to get them according to your dog’s weight and age. 


How does CBD help dogs?

Research shows that using CBD oil on dogs improves their quality of life. 

Researchers are studying the effects of CBD in treating epilepsy, IBD, anxiety, and chronic pain. A 2018 study showed that 80% of dogs with osteoarthritis injected with 2-8mg of CBD oil per kg of their body weight had improved mobility. This shows that CBD oil has anti-pain and anti-inflammatory properties. 

Other studies show that dogs with epilepsy recorded fewer seizures after being injected with CBD oil. 

Using CBD oil in dogs can also:

Reduce joint pain

CBD oil has anti-pain and anti-inflammatory properties

It was initially thought that CBD, like THC, binds itself to the CB1 receptors in the brain, stimulating the immune system, thus reducing inflammation. And that it also binds itself to the CB2 receptors in the immune and the nervous system to stimulate the production of more cannabinoids in the body. 

However, evidence shows that CBD has a low affinity for CB1 and CB2 receptors, meaning it does not readily bind with them. Scientists hypothesize two possible action pathways for CBD. 

  1. CBD influences activity on these receptors, i.e., it is antagonistic
  2. CBD binds to lesser known receptors, e.g., TPRV1, and GPR55, to modulate various physiological processes in the body

The net effect of these mechanisms is altered pain perception. When this happens, pain sensations are numbed significantly as well as inflammation.  

Alleviate anxiety

Dogs experience anxiety too. Their anxiety can result from separation from their parent, aggression, fear, or noises that are too loud

If you notice your dog is stressed or agitated, you can administer the CBD oil by mouth. It’ll take between 5-20 minutes for it to work. If your dog is constantly anxious or stressed, you integrate CBD into its routine such that it consumes a specific dose daily. 

CBD can helps reduce dog anxiety. Besides relieving stress in dogs, CBD oil also helps in the production of serotonin, a hormone that regulates moods, social behavior (in people), improves sleep, appetite, and digestion.

Aid with Inflammatory Bowel Disease 

Most pets, especially dogs, suffer from tummy problems just like humans. This could be due to allergic reactions to some foods, food poisoning, parasites, and low immunity. Sometimes IBD can be genetic, which means it occurs whether the dog is generally healthy or not. 

Some of the signs to look out for if you suspect your pup has IBD are: 

  • Fatigue
  • Stomach pain
  • Blood in the dog’s poop
  • Throwing up 
  • Unexplained weight loss 

Giving your dog CBD oil may reduce inflammation, thus helping in restoring homeostasis.

Besides reducing tummy inflammation, it may help the dog put on weight due to increased appetite. This is a more likely scenario with broad spectrum CBD oil.

Help to manage seizures 

Approximately 5% of dogs suffer from seizures, which is a legitimate cause for concern for dog owners. Unfortunately, the medications (potassium bromide and phenobarbital are the most common) used to treat seizures end up causing more harm to the dog’s organs. 

Luckily, CBD oil for dogs has almost no side effects, nor will it cause dependency. According to a Colorado University study on CBD oil as a seizure treatment, most dogs that received CBD treatment showed a decrease in seizures. 

Apart from reducing seizure frequency, CBD oil is also thought to lessen seizure severity. This can be attributed to its interaction with the endocannabinoid system. Seizures are caused by the abnormal electric charges of the nervous system’s neurons. 

The cannabinoid binds to cannabinoid receptors in the brain, thus impeding the electric charges and reducing seizures. 

Reduce allergies

Allergies in dogs can cause discomfort, making it hard for them to sleep for long because of the itching and swelling. 

Dogs’ allergic reactions can either be food or environment-related. Therefore, you should be keen to know what gives your dog allergies to reduce the occurrence of these allergic triggers.

As mentioned, CBD has anti-inflammatory properties. It offers great relief for both asthma and skin problems caused by allergens. Once the itching and wheezing are dealt with, your pup can sleep peacefully. 

Suffice to say, CBD is generally good for dogs’ sleep.


Can dogs get insomnia?

Yes, dogs get insomnia, primarily due to age or behavioral issues like stress and anxiety. 

Sometimes insomnia can be expected since most dogs spend their day sleeping. However, if your dog doesn’t sleep for days or nights on end, there could be a problem that needs to be addressed as soon as possible.

Sleep deprivation in dogs can lead to weakened immunity, leading to chronic infections and other conditions like obesity. 

Causes of insomnia in dogs

Dog insomnia can be a result of many things, and some of them are:

Chronic pain – chronic pain in dogs can result from different things. The common ones are; stiffness from arthritis, skin diseases, pregnancy issues, gastrointestinal issues, or bowel movements. Younger dogs can also suffer from chronic pain, so don’t downplay the dog’s discomfort.

To know if your dog is in pain, observe it during its waking hours when it stretches. Other things to look out for are slow movements or a hunched posture, sudden aggression when touched or unexplained heaving, and barking. 

It is good practice to consult a specialist when unsure about what’s affecting your pet. After diagnosis, the veterinarian can prescribe medication and suitable treatment. You can include CBD in the medication to supplement for better results.

Uncomfortable bed – this should be one of the things to think of when your pup becomes sleepless. Fortunately, it is often the easiest to solve. If your notice your dog refuses to use its bed or it moves around a lot to get a comfortable position before sleeping, that’s the hint its bed is uncomfortable.

The bed could be too large, too small, or not soft enough. Change the dog’s beddings and bed position, and experiment with a few spots in your house to see how fast your dog falls asleep.

Canine cognitive dysfunction (CCD) – canine cognitive dysfunction can be compared to dementia or Alzheimer’s in humans, which are often age-related mental decline diseases. 

CCD leads to altered behaviors like toileting accidents, forgetting training, aggression, confusion, and sleeplessness. Unfortunately, it may be tricky to know whether it is CCD or normal aging because the signs are usually subtle. Best advice? See a vet.

Too bad CCD has no treatment. Luckily some solutions can make your furry friend’s life easier and more comfortable. Some of these solutions include CBD for pets, which also helps stimulate their minds and may slow down the aging process. 

Omega 3 supplements also come in very handy, and you can also ask your vet to prescribe some drugs like selegiline or propentofylline to slow down CCD progression.

Disturbances (strange scents and noise) – dogs have an acute hearing sense far more powerful than humans, which means they can hear even the slightest movements. If your dog is a house dog, you may need to keep the TV noise as low as possible and ensure your washing machine is off at night.

Further, learn to keep your tone down when you speak. Also, ensure the dog’s crate is not near the trashcans or chemicals as these may irritate and prevent it from sleeping.

Sleep apnea – some dogs suffer from sleep apnea, making it hard for them to sleep. Sleep apnea is a condition that impedes smooth breathing during sleep due to blocked airways. It also occurs in people.

Breathing is an automatic biological process that happens without significant conscious input. It’s almost like we don’t think about breathing. The same happens in dogs, but with sleep apnea, the inability to breathe jolts the dog from slumber as it gasps for air. 

This can happen several times during sleep and affect sleep time considerably. Signs of sleep apnea are gasping while sleeping, uncharacteristically heavy snoring, and not breathing, leading to gasps. 

Even though some dog breeds are more prone to sleep apnea than others, it’s generally observed that overweight dogs are susceptible to this condition. If you suspect your canine friend has sleep apnea, see a veterinarian.

Behavioral issues – behavioral issues can affect dogs at any age and cause them sleepless nights. Further, abrupt changes in a dog’s life like a change of homes, fear, anxiety, and stress can cause your pet to have sleepless nights. 

Puppies can suffer from chronic insomnia after being separated from their mother. Even though most eventually adjust to their new environment, others may develop long-term issues like anxiety. In such instances, CBD can help your puppies sleep well. 

Other times the dog is just not tired enough to sleep; try getting the dog a little tired by playing fetch or some other intense exercises.


Does CBD help dogs sleep at night?

There is evidence that CBD may help dogs sleep at night. 

For most dog owners, CBD is a staple in their pet’s food. This cannabis compound has anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties, which help doggies overcome pain or inflammation and sleep better.

CBD also has a calming and relaxing effect on the central nervous system. This helps reduce anxiety symptoms in dogs and lulls them to sleep faster and longer. 

CBD also indirectly helps with sleep by supporting the dog’s fitness, healthy diet, and recovery from illnesses and injuries. 


CBD for puppies to sleep 

A leading concern for most dog owners is whether puppies can take CBD oil. Yes, puppies can take CBD. However, this applies only to CBD. THC, however, is dangerous to dogs and can be fatal if taken in larger doses. 

CBD for puppies to sleep may come in handy when puppies have recently been separated from their mums. So, CBD can help minimize the impact of separation anxiety.

Just like babies, puppies feel inflammation and pain when they are teething. Giving puppies some CBD oil can reduce inflammation and boost the puppies’ moods, prevent destructive chewing, and promote overall good behavior. 

A happy puppy means a good night’s sleep.

CBD oil for puppies to sleep

Most puppies are hyperactive and have lots of energy even when it’s time to sleep. CBD oil may promote relaxation and calmness and make puppies fall asleep fast. The oil has been shown to stimulate melatonin production in the body. 

Melatonin is one of the “happy hormones” known to play a role in regulating the circadian cycle. As such, melatonin can improve sleep quality by enabling the puppy to fall asleep fast and deeply. 

Like humans, pups need enough sleep for stronger immunity and better development. 


How to purchase CBD products for my dog 

Now that we’ve ascertained the benefits of CBD for pets, the most pertinent question is how to purchase CBD products for your dog. 

For starters, ensure you get high-quality CBD products like our Premium CBD Pet Drops. These should be made from superior broad spectrum CBD, ideally sourced from the USA. Hemp is preferred to marijuana because it has low THC content. 

Pets, especially dogs, should not consume THC. They process this compound differently from humans, so while a small amount of THC may not affect people, it can be a life-or-death matter for your dog. So be warned.

High-quality CBD should not contain artificial ingredients or added fillers. It would be best to check the labels and certifications to ensure you get the best CBD products for your dog. 

Ensure the CBD oil products have a Certificate of Analysis (COA), a NASC Quality Seal (it demonstrates the product’s high quality and consistency), and the words THC-Free on the products’ label. 

After knowing what to look for in high-quality CBD products, the next part is knowing where to buy them. CBD oil products can be bought from online stores, hemp and CBD stores, and shops selling pet foods and other products. 

However, always buy CBD from approved vendors like FOCL.


How is CBD going to help my dog sleep?

CBD has many health benefits for pets. From pain relief to improving sleep quality, CBD may help dogs sleep better by reducing their discomfort (inflammation and pain) and helping them to relax from stress or anxiety. 

CBD also helps the body produce melatonin (the hormone needed to induce sleep) and serotonin (the feel-good hormone), thus ensuring the dog is happy and relaxed. 

All these come down to the interactions between CBD and your dog’s endocannabinoid system.