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Is CBD Good for Broken Bones?

Cannabis and its derivatives have been generating quite a buzz in the health and wellness space in recent years. Even though marijuana has been part of humanity's customs and culture since ancient times, research into this unusual plant continues to unearth rather impressive findings. 

Most of cannabis' beneficial qualities are attributed to cannabinoids, described by the leading research Institute as "chemicals in marijuana that cause drug-like effects in the body, including the immune system and central nervous system."

Even though most people associate cannabis with getting "high" or "stoned," this is only a tiny fraction of its effects on the body. Moreover, the "high" feeling is the work of tetrahydrocannabinol (often called THC), arguably the most famous and well-studied cannabinoid. 

Besides THC, there are other cannabinoids like cannabidiol (CBD), cannabigerol (CBG), cannabichromene (CBC), and others. Researchers do not really know the exact population size of these chemicals but contend that there could be at least 80. So far, only a handful have been discovered and studied, meaning there is still so much ground to cover.

CBD's full scope of health benefits is unknown, but if existing research findings are anything to go by, it may also help with many other health conditions. So, this article looks at what existing scientific literature says regarding its ability to help heal broken bones.


CBD for broken bones

As research on CBD continues, emerging findings suggest new medical areas where CBD can be applied. 

Researchers from Hebrew University and Tel Aviv University recently discovered that CBD might significantly help heal bone fractures. In an experiment conducted on mice with mid-femoral fractures, the researchers found that even when used alone, CBD "markedly enhanced the healing process of the femora" in just two months.

In an earlier study, the researchers also discovered that cannabinoid receptors in the body could stimulate bone formation and prevent bone loss. This is possible because of the endocannabinoid system (ECS).

The ECS is a collection of neuromodulatory lipids and their receptors that are universally distributed throughout mammalian tissue. This system influences various bodily functions in the immune, nervous, and cardiovascular systems. 

Although the ECS is a relatively recent discovery (discovered in the 90s), scientists believe it may be the most important physiologic system in the body. They contend that it plays a central role in creating and maintaining optimal health via homeostasis

And what is the driving force behind ECS activity? You guessed right, cannabinoids!

Cannabinoids support homeostasis at every biological level – from the cellular to the organism and even to the community beyond. For instance, autophagy—a process where a living cell isolates some of its portions to be self-digested and recycled—is modulated by cannabinoids. 

On the one hand, autophagy keeps healthy normal cells alive, establishing a perfect balance between cell synthesis, degradation, and the recycling of cellular products. On the other hand, this process is deadly to unhealthy cells and causes them to self-destruct in what scientists call "programmed cellular suicide." 

Of course, the death of abnormal cell diseases is a good thing. It enhances the survival of the larger organism and promotes homeostasis. 

On our way to understanding how CBD may help heal broken bones, let's review what occurs when a bone breaks.

When a fracture occurs, the body protects the injured area. It forms a protective layer comprising blood clots and callus around the affected area. In this protective layer, bone cells grow on both sides of the fracture line toward each other. With time, the fracture reattaches, and the callus is absorbed.

Cannabinoids and their receptors are located at the nexus of various body systems, where their job is to facilitate intercellular communication and coordination. At injury sites, cannabinoids reduce the production of sensitizers and activators by the injured cells, stabilize nerve cells to inhibit over-firing, and calm surrounding immune cells to control the production of pro-inflammatory chemicals. 

The skeleton, like most body tissues, is also regulated by cannabinoids. The presence of CB1 and CB2 receptors in the bones, where they mediate bone homeostasis, validates this claim. 

In this joint study between Hebrew University and Tel Aviv University, the researchers found that CBD makes bones stronger by making the collagenous matrix mature much faster, thus providing a base for mineralizing new bone tissue. 

Another area where CBD may help with bone fractures is pain management. Numerous studies show that CBD has painkilling properties that are actuated by its interactions with various receptors. 

Since the early 2000s, clinical trials with CBD in treating chronic pain have shown different results, ranging from placebo-equivalent to highly effective.

For instance, a 2003 study showed that after CBD treatment, a group of patients with intractable pain reported a significant reduction in pain. Two other studies conducted in 2018 and 2019 demonstrated CBD's efficacy in reducing chronic pain due to kidney transplants. 

Another 2019 study showed that CBD treatment reduced pain by over 30% in patients with fibromyalgia. Finally, a 2020 study investigating the safety and efficacy of CBD in treating chronic pain indicated it is safe for prolonged use. The patients also reported "improvements in pain and quality of life."

While some medical experts acknowledge the relevance of CBD in managing chronic pain, they point out that CBD's bone healing abilities are theoretical. The pioneering study by Hebrew University and Tel Aviv University was conducted on rats, not humans. So, it is hard to say if similar results would be yielded in people.


CBD dosage for bone healing

Apart from Epidiolex—the only FDA-approved cannabis-based drug—all other CBD products on the market are not regulated. This essentially means there are no clear guidelines on how much CBD you should take. 

Generally, the ideal dosage for a person depends on the condition they want to manage and the form in which they are taking the CBD product. Research studies on CBD have typically used diverse dosage levels ranging from 100 to 800mg daily. Others have used lower doses, roughly 40mg. 

For instance, a 2019 study on the effects of CBD treatment on anxiety used 300 to 600mg of the compound.

According to studies, the maximum tolerable CBD dose per day is 1500mg. Furthermore, it is not precisely clear what happens in cases of overdosing on CBD. If anything, the biphasic effect suggests that taking too much CBD may have the opposite results. 

The biphasic effect is most profound with THC. Little amounts of THC can increase alertness, creativity, and sensitivity. However, high THC amounts have been associated with paranoia, anxiety, and poor coordination. Scientists think this has something to do with the type of receptor THC binds to and in what concentrations.

If you are new to CBD, it is recommended that you start low and slow. The idea is that this approach helps you monitor its effects and how your body responds. 

Some medical professionals recommend starting with 5mg of CBD per day and increasing the dosage gradually until you hit your "sweet spot," at which point you stick to that dose. The "sweet spot" is basically the dosage that begins to exert CBD's effects on your body.

Understand this – people typically react differently to CBD. Some feel the effects at low doses, while others may require slightly higher amounts of CBD to notice a change.

  • Body weight/fat content – people with high-fat content tend to experience CBD's effects much faster and for longer because cannabinoids have a high affinity for fat.
  • Strength of the CBD product – cannabis products come in different potency levels depending on the manufacturer. The more potent the product, the more pronounced its effects will be.
  • Mode of administration – CBD can be ingested orally, applied topically, inhaled, or consumed sublingually. Each of these methods affects its bioavailability and its effects. 
  • Dosage – As earlier mentioned, CBD's effects are dose-dependent. Severe medical conditions typically require higher doses.

Due to the lack of a proper guideline for CBD dosing, the best practice is to consult your doctor for a prescription. Otherwise, start with low doses. On average, cannabis experts recommend taking 0.2 to 0.7mg per pound of bodyweight. 


Benefits of CBD oil for broken bones

People who wish to use CBD for bone fractures have various options. They can work with CBD oils, creams, lotions, or capsules. Each of these gives you varying efficacy levels. 

Even though CBD by itself won't correct your bones or fully heal them, it can help you manage some of the adverse effects of bone fractures like pain and inflammation.

If you have a fracture, chronic pain is probably among your worries. Painkillers are the conventional way to go, but they can have undesirable side effects. Some are noted to have addiction risks.

In contrast, CBD is generally non-addictive and has minimal adverse effects. In a recent report on cannabidiol, the World Health Organization (WHO) highlighted CBD's excellent safety profile, noting it has "no abuse or dependence potential."

Furthermore, CBD may also help reduce pain and mediate immune mechanisms that control inflammatory responses. Chronic inflammation results from an aggressive immune system attacking healthy tissues and cells. 

This often happens when pro-inflammatory cytokines (proteins released by immune cells to initiate an inflammatory response) spread to healthy cells in order to prevent an infection. Research shows that CBD may disrupt the overproduction of cytokines, thereby preventing inflammation. 

Moreover, in addition to promoting bone healing, CBD may also help prevent bone loss. It does this by blocking the activity of fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH), which breaks down fatty acid amides (FAAs) that support bone remodeling via interaction with cannabinoid receptors.

Sometimes, a severe fracture can lead to anxiety and depression. This may happen if the fracture is caused by a traumatic injury that leaves a person hospitalized for lengthy periods or with limited mobility. 

In such situations, CBD may be helpful because it stimulates the release of more neurotransmitters—specifically anandamide and adenosine—in the brain. In so doing, it acts similarly to an antidepressant.


How much CBD oil should I take for osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis is a leading cause of bone loss. As bones lose their bone tissue, they also lose their density and become fragile. Consequently, people with osteoporosis have poor bone health and are prone to fractures, even from minor injuries.

Since CB receptors are present in bone tissue, researchers believe cannabinoids can play a role in promoting bone health. As is common practice, the correct dose of CBD oil for osteoporosis varies depending on the severity of the condition.

As emphasized herein, first-time CBD users should start with lower doses and increase gradually until they achieve the desired results. According to cannabis experts, a standard dose of 10 to 100mg of CBD daily may help reduce the severity of osteoporosis. 


Best CBD for bone healing 

As research on CBD continues, there is no doubt that many more of its admirable health qualities will be discovered. As of now, there is evidence that CBD may effectively combat symptoms of chronic pain, inflammation, and poor sleep. You are likely to experience these conditions if you have a fractured bone. 

Fortunately, we have a range of high-quality CBD products that can help you alleviate some of these issues.

Our Premium CBD Gummies come in two variants – broad spectrum and full spectrum CBD – to enable you to choose your preferred CBD type. Each gummy contains 25mg of premium CBD that you can enjoy in three delicious flavors to make these gummies a treat.

If you prefer something clean and simple, try our Premium CBD Drops. These are made with high-quality hemp CBD and organic MCT oil for better bioavailability to enable you to get super quick relief from pain and inflammation. These come in three strength levels to ensure you get the correct CBD dosage for whatever condition you may be dealing with – muscle recovery, stress and anxiety, muscle spasms, you name it!

For a more holistic CBD experience, our FOCL Day capsules are the real deal. These capsules are made with energetic adaptogens and premium hemp CBD to boost your cognitive performance and reduce any brain fog and joint pain resulting from prolonged inactivity (as a result of being hospitalized). Its array of potent herbal extracts may help uplift your mood and support overall brain health.