pregnant woman standing outside

Can Pregnant Women Take CBD?

There is no doubt that cannabidiol (CBD) has become one of the most sought-after products in the natural remedy space, but is it recommended for pregnant women? The many health benefits of CBD may have you wondering if the natural, plant-based remedy could relieve some of those uncomfortable pregnancy symptoms.

As researchers learn more about CBD, its acceptance among the general population has increased considerably. For example, a 2020 SingleCare survey showed that one-third of Americans had used CBD.1 Another Gallup poll indicated that 64% of American adults "were familiar with CBD," highlighting the growing popularity of this alternative health trend.2

However, is CBD for everyone? Specifically, can a pregnant woman take CBD? Read on as we answer all your questions about taking CBD while pregnant.

Can Pregnant Women Take CBD?

a pregnant woman holding her belly

The FDA strongly warns against the use of CBD while pregnant or nursing.3 Medical experts are equally reluctant to sanction its use among pregnant women, primarily due to a lack of research evidence on its effects on the unborn child. As a result, medical practitioners suggest it is better to err on the side of caution.

The little we know about CBD's effect on pregnancy is gleaned from studies investigating CBD's effects on pregnant animals. In one study, researchers noted that high CBD doses in pregnant test animals caused reproductive system problems in developing male fetuses.4

With the proliferation of CBD products on the market, regulatory bodies like FDA are also concerned that quality may be an issue, especially for pregnant women. A recent lab data analysis showed that 25% of CBD products were untested and may contain contaminants.5

Potential contaminants in untested CBD products might include:

  • Trace metals
  • Microbial contaminants
  • Residual solvents
  • Pesticides

Naturally, you don't want to expose your unborn child to these toxic compounds. Some CBD products could also contain trace amounts of THC, which may have adverse effects on the developing fetus.

In case you’re wondering, all FOCL products are third-party tested for quality, safety, and proper dosing. Our test results are published openly on our website for consumers to review. Regardless, pregnant and breastfeeding women should always talk to their doctor before using CBD.

Is CBD Bad for Pregnant Women?

a hand holding an oil dropper near bottles

Many, if not all, medical professionals strongly advise against the use of CBD for pregnant women. This is due, in part, to limited knowledge of the precise action mechanisms of CBD and an existing body of research that suggests that cannabinoids could be harmful to mothers and their unborn babies.6

There are no longitudinal research findings shedding light on what happens years after one uses CBD while pregnant. Overall, the lack of research on CBD and pregnancy prompts experts to urge caution. These are a few of the main medical concerns associated with using CBD while pregnant:

  • Medication Interaction: It has been shown that CBD can react with other medications and disrupt the intended effect of these medicines.
  • Side Effects: CBD can potentially cause some side effects, such as diarrhea, appetite changes, and fatigue.
  • Risk of Contaminated Products: Poor-quality CBD products might contain contaminants like mold, heavy metals, and pesticides.

All these potential risks could be dangerous to women during pregnancy. Overall, the main concern with CBD stems from the lack of conclusive research on its impact on women’s health in pregnancy.

Can Pregnant Women Drink CBD?

a pregnant woman drinking from a cup in the kitchen

The straightforward answer to this question is no. Many organizations do not support the use of CBD by pregnant women.

It is understandable why a soon-to-be-mom would perk up when considering the anti-nausea and pain-relieving properties of CBD-infused beverages. However, Catherine Monk, a Ph.D holder and professor of medical psychology at Columbia University Irving Medical Center, argues that there is insufficient data to determine whether CBD is safe in any form.7

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) expressly prohibits using CBD and THC for therapeutic or medicinal purposes during and after pregnancy during lactation. The main concern is that THC can cross the placenta and end up in breast milk. It could also interfere with brain development in babies and cause stillbirth during gestation.8

Given the close similarity in chemical composition between CBD and THC, ACOG says it would be premature to assume that CBD would not pose similar risks. It’s also difficult to guarantee that CBD products are free from THC. Unless you are drinking CBD beverages made with pure CBD extract, these products may contain trace amounts of THC.

For example, testing of many CBD products has revealed THC amounts surpassing the 0.3% legal limit. Since the FDA does not regulate CBD products, it is not easy to ascertain their purity unless third-party testing is available.

Can Pregnant Women Eat CBD?

Pregnant women are advised to avoid all forms of CBD, including edibles. As has been mentioned throughout this article, the effect of CBD on pregnant women and the developing fetus is largely unknown. Therefore, until further studies on CBD provide more insight, it is best to steer clear of CBD if you are pregnant.

Bottom Line

two pregnant women in long sleeves holding their belly

Medical experts strongly caution against using CBD during pregnancy, at least for now. At FOCL, we would rather err on the side of caution, so we agree with the medical professionals and the FDA on this issue. As always, before taking any new medication or supplement, we highly recommend talking to a healthcare professional for guidance.


  1. Team, S. C. (2023, January 24). The 2020 CBD survey. The Checkup. Retrieved from
  2. Cowee, Maggie. “Gallup Poll Finds Younger Americans More Confident in CBD Health Benefits.” Hemp Industry Daily, 10 July 2019,
  3. Commissioner, O. of the. (n.d.). What you should know about using CBD when pregnant or breastfeeding. U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Retrieved from
  4. Editor. Is CBD oil safe during pregnancy? American Pregnancy Association. Retrieved from
  5. Commissioner, O. of the. (n.d.). Warning letters and test results for cannabidiol-related products. U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Retrieved from
  6. 10 prenatal, perinatal, and neonatal exposure to cannabis - NCBI bookshelf. (n.d.). Retrieved from
  7. Catherine Monk, Phd. Columbia University Department of Psychiatry. (2023, January 31). Retrieved from
  8. Commissioner, O. of the. (n.d.). What you should know about using CBD when pregnant or breastfeeding. U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Retrieved from