How to Store Gummy Edibles?

Keeping gummy edibles fresh is simple if you follow a few steps. 

Quick Tips

  1. Store at 55°F to 70°F (13°C to 21°C)
  2. Use airtight containers
  3. Keep away from sunlight
  4. Consider refrigeration or freezing for long-term storage

Temperature Control

Keep It Cool: Store your gummies in a cool place, ideally between 55°F and 70°F (13°C and 21°C). If it gets too hot (over 75°F or 24°C), they can melt and lose their shape.

Refrigeration: If you live in a warm climate or don’t have a cool spot, you can put your gummies in the fridge. Make sure to use an airtight container to prevent them from getting soggy or absorbing other food odors.

Protection from Light and Air

Avoid Sunlight: Sunlight can break down the cannabinoids and terpenes in your gummies, making them less effective and changing their flavor. Keep them in a dark place to preserve their quality.

Seal Them Tight: Exposure to air can dry out gummies, making them hard. Use airtight containers to keep them fresh and chewy. Vacuum-sealing is a great option to limit air exposure and extend their shelf life.

Managing Humidity

Stay Dry: Excess moisture can cause mold to grow on gummies. Store them in a dry place. If you’re refrigerating them, consider adding a desiccant packet to the container to absorb any extra moisture.

Packaging and Containers

Original Packaging: If your gummies came in a resealable bag, keep them in it. These bags are designed to maintain freshness.

Alternative Containers: Glass jars with airtight lids are great for long-term storage. They keep out air and moisture and prevent odors from getting in or out.

Long-term Storage

Freezing: For long-term storage, you can freeze your gummies. Place them in an airtight container or vacuum-sealed bag to protect them from freezer burn. When you want to eat them, let them thaw gradually at room temperature to keep their texture intact.

By following these steps, you can keep your gummy edibles fresh, potent, and delicious for as long as possible.