loving couple standing close in room against a white linen background

What Is The Best Libido Booster?

A healthy libido, or sexual desire, is a crucial component of a fulfilling and satisfying intimate relationship. However, many individuals grapple with fluctuating or diminished libido at some point in their lives. Whether due to stress, aging, hormonal imbalances, or other factors, a waning sexual desire can lead to frustration and concern.

In this article, we will delve into various aspects of libido enhancement, including the harms of low libido, lifestyle factors affecting libido, different types of libido boosters, and how to find the right libido booster for you. Keep reading to learn how you can reignite your passion and deepen your pleasure.

Just looking for a quick recommendation? Indulge your senses and awaken your inner desires with FOCL. From mood-lifting CBD gummies to arousal-enhancing lubricants, our exquisite range of intimacy products is meticulously crafted to enhance your sensuality, offering a transformative experience beyond your imagination.

What Is A Libido Booster?

A libido booster refers to a product or treatment designed to increase or enhance sexual desire and arousal. It helps individuals who may be experiencing a decrease in libido to regain their sexual vitality and enjoyment. Libido boosters often contain natural ingredients that are known to stimulate sexual drive and support overall sexual wellness.

How Does A Libido Booster Work?

Libido boosters typically address the underlying causes of low libido and enhance sexual function. The specific mechanisms can vary depending on the product or treatment. Here, we'll explore some common ways in which libido boosters function:

  • Increasing testosterone: Some libido boosters contain ingredients that stimulate the production of testosterone, a hormone closely associated with sexual desire.
  • Improving blood flow: Certain libido boosters enhance blood circulation to the genital area, promoting arousal and facilitating stronger and longer-lasting erections (in men) or increased sensitivity (in women).
  • Balancing hormones: Hormonal imbalances can contribute to low libido. Libido boosters may help regulate hormonal levels, restoring sexual drive.
  • Enhancing mood: Many libido boosters contain natural ingredients that can uplift mood and reduce stress, promoting a positive mental state and boosting sexual desire.
  • Relieving pain and discomfort: Pain during sex is a libido killer that’s commonly experienced but rarely discussed. Some libido boosters address this by relaxing tense muscles, reducing painful sensations, and supplementing natural lubrication.

a couple touching each other's faces under white duvet

The 19 Best Libido Boosters

When it comes to libido boosters, there’s a huge range of options available. Here are some of our most highly recommended libido boosters broken down by category.

Best Herbal Supplement Libido Boosters

Certain plant-based supplements have been known to increase libido, performance, and satisfaction. Notable herbal aphrodisiacs include:

#1: Horny Goat Weed

The name of this plant doesn’t leave much to the imagination about its popular use. People experiencing difficulties with their sex drive have used it for hundreds of years to increase desire, energy, and potency.

Research in animals supports the idea that horny goat weed can help restore sexual function. This may be because it contains icariin, a natural phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitor — the same type of ingredient that drugs like Viagra use to increase blood flow and support physical arousal.

Horny goat weed has few known side effects. There have been occasional case reports of mania-like symptoms, but these may have resulted from contaminants in products from shady suppliers. Always get your supplements from reliable sources backed by independent testing.

#2: Ginseng

Long used in traditional Chinese medicine for improved energy and vitality, Asian ginseng was identified in a 2018 study as one of the most effective herbal aids for male erectile function. It may also have positive health effects due to its antioxidant properties.

Ginseng is associated with few serious side effects, but it might negatively impact blood sugar in people with diabetes or decrease the effectiveness of blood thinners. Some health experts advise taking ginseng only for a few weeks or months at a time, with significant breaks in between.

#3: Maca Root

Sometimes called “Peruvian Ginseng,” maca is traditionally used as a fertility aid by residents of the Andes mountains. Some studies suggest it might elevate testosterone in men or reduce the negative effects of antidepressants on female libido. Maca is generally considered safe, but some people experience side effects like cramping and nausea. There could also be harmful effects in those who are pregnant, breastfeeding, or living with hormone-sensitive cancers.

Maca comes in different color varieties which appear to have different chemical constituents that might modify their effects. Red maca might be more effective for increasing sexual desire, while black maca could be better at improving fertility measures such as sperm quality.

#4: Fenugreek

While it’s often used as a spice in cuisines around the world, fenugreek is also thought to help raise levels of sex hormones, potentially enhancing libido and performance. A 2021 study found that it helped relieve sexual dysfunction in women, while some older papers reported increased arousal and orgasm quality in men.

Prolonged use of fenugreek can have some odd side effects, such as causing your sweat to take on a maple-like smell. Like maca root, it may be inadvisable to use this supplement if you have a condition that could be negatively impacted by hormonal changes.

#5: Ginkgo Biloba Leaf

Ginkgo is another herb thought to help improve arousal and sexual pleasure, possibly thanks to its ability to relax blood vessels. Scientific evidence is mixed, but some studies have found positive effects on sexual desire in postmenopausal women. Others have reported it could help with low libido due to antidepressant use, much like maca root.

Using ginkgo extract in moderate amounts should have few risks, but taking too much can lead to stomach trouble, headaches, dizziness, and heart palpitations. It might also act as a blood thinner, so talk with your physician if you’re planning to use it (especially if you’re taking prescriptions).

#6: CBD Hemp Extract

People around the world have been using cannabis as an aid to sexual experiences for thousands of years. There’s still limited scientific research on its effects on the sex drive, but many anecdotal reports suggest that using gummies and other edibles rich in cannabinoids like CBD can help restore the libido and enhance pleasure.

CBD gummies for sex may achieve their effects through this molecule’s ability to decrease anxiety, promote physical relaxation, and improve a user’s mood. All of these effects can make it easier to feel healthy, natural desire.

With limited regulation and widespread contamination in the CBD market, it’s vital to look for a supplier that takes sourcing and safety testing seriously. Our own Feel Good CBD Gummies are made from organic hemp extract and analyzed by third-party labs to verify that they’re clean and safe. They’re a fantastic way to turn up the heat between the sheets.

Best Foods to Eat For a Libido Boost

a glass bowl of milk with chia seeds and raspberries on top

Certain kinds of dietary choices might also improve libido by providing key nutrients for sexual health:

#7: Saffron

This highly prized spice is thought to have a variety of possible benefits for intimacy. Experiments in both women and men indicate that eating saffron twice a day might decrease the negative effects of antidepressants on sexual arousal.

Note that saffron might not help mentally healthy individuals who aren’t experiencing sexual dysfunction. It’s also the most expensive spice in the world by weight!

#8: Pine nuts

Pine nuts are high in at least two nutrients linked with libido. One is zinc, a micronutrient that is lacking in many diets and may be crucial for both sexual desire and function. Another is arginine, an amino acid that’s been shown to help with female sexual arousal in some studies.

Pine nuts don’t have a lot of known side effects, but eating too many of them— especially if they’ve gone bad — could leave a persistent bitter and metallic taste in your mouth. Some evidence indicates this effect may be specific to nuts from Pinus armandii, a species of white pine found in China.

#9: Chia Seeds

Along with other foods such as salmon, oysters, and avocados, chia seeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acid. This nutrient is an antioxidant that may have the potential to improve libido for some people, in addition to reducing anxiety and stress.

Remember that chia seeds tend to swell up when exposed to moisture, so eating large amounts of dry seeds at once can be a choking hazard. You may be better off mixing them into cereal, baked goods, stir-fries, or other foods.

Best Libido-Boosting Drinks

a couple sitting on bed having breakfast and drinking tea

If you prefer a liquid aphrodisiac, most of the herbal supplements above can be steeped into tea or found in commercially available drinks. Other drinks to increase your libido include:

#10: Pomegranate Juice

Heart-healthy and rich in antioxidants, pomegranate juice might also help men maintain higher levels of sex hormones and better erectile health. The research on this isn’t conclusive, but it’s a healthy and nutritious drink regardless, and many people find it helpful for their love lives.

Just make sure you’re not allergic! This fruit and its juices can irritate some people’s mouths and skin, and a few may have serious allergic reactions.

#11: Tea

Tea also contains a variety of antioxidants, as well as L-theanine, an amino acid that may help decrease stress and promote a feeling of relaxed alertness. A handful of studies have provided evidence that this may help increase sexual desire and performance in some people.

Remember that tea does contain some caffeine, so you may not want to drink it later than early afternoon. This could disrupt your sleep schedule, messing with your mood and libido.

#12: Red Wine

Too much alcohol can have very negative effects on sexual functioning, but a small amount may help you feel more relaxed, confident, and sexy. A growing body of evidence indicates that red wine may be particularly useful for this purpose due to the many healthy polyphenols it contains.

Moderation is key here, as any kind of alcohol can have negative consequences for your physical and mental health if used in excess. But if you stick to a glass of red wine with dinner, the benefits may outweigh the costs.

Best Libido-Boosting Lifestyle Changes

a man and a woman running together

Your sex drive tends to vary based on your overall health. If you’re not already following these beneficial habits, adopting them will likely be good for your libido:

#13: Exercise regularly

Regular exercise not only improves physical fitness but also has a positive impact on libido. Engaging in physical activity stimulates blood flow, enhances mood, and increases stamina, all of which contribute to a healthy sex drive. A combination of cardio, strength training, and mind-body exercises like yoga could be especially helpful for enhancing your sexual well-being.

#14: Get to sleep on time

Researchers have found a strong association between disordered sleep and sexual dysfunction. Not getting consistent, refreshing rest can be a consistent mood-killer. You may want to take steps to improve your “sleep hygiene,” such as:

  • Reducing or covering light sources in your bedroom
  • Going to bed at a consistent time
  • Avoiding caffeine later than 2 PM
  • Limiting screen time after dark

Wellness products like cannabidiol may also help you relax and get to sleep more readily at night. FOCL’s premium Deep Sleep Gummies are a great choice for this option, as they contain a healthy dose of CBD along with several other relaxing, sleep-promoting ingredients.

#15: Eat a healthy diet

In addition to eating some of the pro-libido foods we mentioned above, scaling back on your consumption of unhealthy foods like sugars, trans fats, and empty calories could be good for your sex life. Obesity, diabetes, and other conditions associated with poor diet can sabotage your libido, while studies show that a nutritious diet is linked to proper sexual functioning.

#16: Work on managing your stress

Chronic mental strain can be a major roadblock to feeling frisky. A 2018 research review noted that prioritizing stress management techniques may help restore female sex drive. This can include activities like socializing with friends, spending time in nature, deep breathing exercises, and meditation.

Be aware that some methods people use to unwind can have the opposite effect. Cutting back on unhealthy ways of temporarily relieving stress, such as smoking or binge eating, may also enhance your sex drive.

Best Lubricants For Libido

a couple holding a glass jar of FOCL Arousal Oil

Low sexual desire can be made worse by issues with lubrication and comfort during sex. The good news is that there’s a huge variety of high-quality lubricants available to consumers. Great options for libido enhancement include:

#17: CBD Lube

Along with its beneficial effects on relaxation, mood, and desire when taken orally, CBD may be able to improve blood flow and arousal when used in lube. It may also help reduce pain for postmenopausal women or those with conditions like vaginismus. FOCL’s high-quality organic Arousal Oil — rigorously tested for purity and safety — is an excellent option.

One important note: most CBD sex lubes (including FOCL’s) are oil-based. They can degrade latex condoms, so don’t use them together. For customers looking to learn more, we have a detailed guide on the best way to use CBD intimacy oils.

#18: Stimulating Lube

Many lubricants incorporate small amounts of ingredients that increase the sensitivity of your intimate areas which may make it easier to get excited. Common ingredients include ginger, black pepper, cinnamon, and mint.

There’s always a risk of disrupting the microbial balance in a vagina when introducing outside substances. Customers who are prone to UTIs or yeast infections may want to be cautious about lubes with added ingredients.

#19: Herbal Aphrodisiac Lubes

You can also find lubes and gels containing natural aphrodisiacs like those we discussed in our supplements section, including maca, horny goat weed, and ginseng. The jury is still out on how well these products work when applied topically, but it may be worth experimenting!

Benefits Of A Libido Booster

a happy girlfriend embracing her boyfriend

Using a libido booster can offer several benefits, including:

Increased Sexual Desire

Libido boosters are formulated with ingredients that have been shown to stimulate sexual desire. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals experiencing a decrease in their natural sex drive due to factors like stress, hormonal changes, or certain medications. By enhancing desire, individuals may find themselves more open to initiating and enjoying intimate moments.

Improved Sexual Performance

Libido boosters often work by increasing blood flow to the genital area. This heightened blood circulation can lead to stronger and more sustained erections in men and increased sensitivity and arousal in women. This improvement in physical response can enhance overall sexual performance, making intimate experiences more enjoyable and satisfying for both partners.

Enhanced Sexual Satisfaction

A heightened libido often leads to a more fulfilling and satisfying sexual experience for both partners. When both individuals are equally engaged and desirous, it fosters a deeper connection and intimacy. This can lead to a greater sense of closeness and emotional satisfaction within the relationship.

Boosted Confidence

A healthy libido is closely linked with feelings of self-assuredness and desirability. When individuals experience an increase in their sex drive, it can lead to a boost in self-confidence. Feeling desired and being able to satisfy a partner's desires can have a profound positive impact on one's self-image and overall sense of well-being.

Improved Overall Well-being And Quality Of Life

A satisfying and active sex life is known to have positive effects on overall well-being. It can lead to reduced stress levels, improved mood, and even better physical health. Engaging in regular intimate activities can release endorphins and promote relaxation, contributing to a higher quality of life.

Finding The Right Libido Booster

four FOCL products for intimacy and libido enhancement

Finding the right libido booster is a personal journey. What works for one person may not necessarily work for another. Here are some steps to help you find the ideal libido booster for you:

  • Research: Explore different libido boosters and their ingredients. Determine which options align with your needs and preferences.
  • Consult a Professional: Discuss your concerns with a healthcare professional or our wellness experts. They can provide personalized recommendations based on your health history and goals.
  • Trial and Monitoring: Once you've selected a libido booster, give it a try. Monitor your experience closely and make note of any improvements or changes. Adjust the dosage or consider alternative options if necessary.
  • Patience: Remember that libido enhancement may take time. Be patient and give your chosen libido booster a fair chance to work before making any conclusions.

Final Thoughts On Libido Boosters

Addressing issues surrounding low libido and enhancing sexual desire is an essential aspect of overall well-being. By understanding the harms of low libido, identifying and modifying lifestyle factors, considering different types of libido boosters, incorporating exercise, and exploring alternative approaches, individuals can reclaim their sexual vitality and improve their relationships.

At FOCL, we understand the importance of sexual well-being as a core pillar of overall wellness. That is why we offer a range of premium-quality products designed to support libido enhancement and sexual satisfaction naturally. With our commitment to quality, transparency, and value, you can trust FOCL to provide effective solutions that meet your individual needs.

Gain more insight:

Frequently Asked Questions About Libido Boosters

Can anyone use a libido booster?

Yes, libido boosters are generally safe for adults. However, it's essential to consider any underlying health conditions or medications you may be taking. Consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplements or treatments, especially if you have specific concerns or medical history.

Are libido boosters only for individuals with low libido?

No, libido boosters can be used by individuals with varying levels of sexual desire. They can enhance sexual satisfaction and performance for anyone looking to improve their overall sexual well-being. 

Can I use multiple libido boosters at the same time?

Using multiple libido boosters simultaneously is not recommended unless advised by a healthcare professional. It's essential to follow the recommended dosage and guidelines provided for each specific product and avoid potential interactions or excessive intake of certain ingredients.

Are there any age restrictions for using libido boosters?

Most libido boosters are intended for use by adults. It's important to consider any age restrictions specified by the product or consult with a healthcare professional to determine the suitability and safety of using libido boosters based on your age and overall health.

Can libido boosters interact with medications?

Libido boosters can potentially interact with certain medications, including prescription drugs and over-the-counter supplements. It's crucial to inform your healthcare provider about all the medications, including libido boosters, you are currently taking to prevent any potential interactions or adverse effects.