dark red gummies scattered in a light blue surface

CBD Sleep Gummies Side Effects (Are They Safe?)

Thousands of people struggling with sleep disorders have found relief from tasty, chewable gummies infused with cannabidiol (CBD). This active ingredient, derived from the Cannabis sativa plant, has a well-earned reputation for promoting relaxation, calm, and better sleep. But can CBD gummies also bring unwanted side effects?

Current evidence suggests that CBD carries little risk for most adults, especially compared to other kinds of prescription sleep medicine. Some people do experience unpleasant reactions, though. In this post, we’ll talk you through the known side effects of CBD sleep gummies and give you some advice on how to use this natural sleep aid safely.

One of the most important things you can do is make sure that you’re getting your CBD gummies from a reputable source. If you want the safest cannabidiol products on the market, look no further than FOCL. We use trustworthy suppliers, strict quality control practices, and independent lab testing to ensure that our CBD sleep gummies are 100% clean and pure.

See below for more details on how to use CBD gummies for sleep while managing possible side effects.

Are CBD Sleep Gummies Safe?

closeup of a woman eating a dark red CBD gummy

The short answer: Yes. Early research suggests that CBD gummies for sleep and pain are safe for healthy adults. That’s not just our assessment — the World Health Organization reported in 2018 that this substance “is generally well tolerated with a good safety profile.”

Existing studies on the safety and side effects of cannabidiol extracts have concluded that CBD is safe even at high doses. One paper found that people could use as much as 1,500 mg every day, for long periods, without ill effects. (For reference, the best CBD gummies for sleep typically contain between 5 and 100 mg each.)

While some adverse effects have been reported, they’re milder and less common than those found in many more-commonly prescribed sleep medications.

That said, there are three specific situations in which safety can be an issue:

  1. Low-quality CBD gummies may be contaminated with toxic substances.
  2. CBD may pose health risks when taken with other medications.
  3. Taking CBD while pregnant or breastfeeding may be risky.

We’ll look at each of these scenarios in more detail.

Contaminated CBD Gummies

Currently, the FDA approves only one CBD drug: Epidiolex, a prescription medication used to treat rare seizure disorders. All other, nonprescription CBD products receive relatively little government oversight.

That means that many CBD suppliers have been able to get away with selling shoddy or even dangerous products. A 2020 review reported that many cannabidiol extracts sold online contained either much more or much less CBD than advertised. Others were contaminated with harmful substances like lead, pesticides, and mold.

This doesn’t mean all CBD products on the market are bad for you. But it does mean it’s essential to know where to buy CBD gummies for sleep. Stick with reliable and transparent brands like FOCL to ensure that you’re getting only the ingredients you’re paying for.

CBD Drug Interactions

Researchers have found that cannabidiol can inhibit or compete for certain enzymes in the liver, slowing down the breakdown of other substances. As a result, some medications may build up to higher-than-normal levels in your bloodstream if taken alongside CBD.

Here are a few kinds of medicine that may call for particular caution:

  • Anti-epileptic drugs like clobazam
  • Antidepressants like sertraline
  • Blood thinners like warfarin
  • Potentially liver-damaging over-the-counter medicines like acetaminophen (Tylenol)

Researchers at Penn State have prepared a helpful list of medications that could have serious complications when used with CBD. Even if the specific drug you’re taking isn’t on the list, you should talk with your doctor before adding CBD gummies to your diet.

On a more positive note, some drugs may actually be less harmful when used with CBD. The most notable example is alcohol: a few studies have found evidence that CBD might protect against brain and liver damage from drinking. (It won’t protect you from clumsiness and impaired judgment, though!)

CBD and Pregnancy

Currently, the FDA strongly cautions against using CBD products while you’re pregnant. There’s not enough data yet to say exactly how unsafe it might be, but some studies in animals have found that cannabidiol has negative effects on fetal development. To ensure your child’s health, it’s probably best to stay away from CBD during pregnancy.

Most doctors say you also shouldn’t take CBD while breastfeeding. Again, researchers aren’t sure what the effects would be, but they prefer to adopt a “better safe than sorry” approach.

What Are The Side Effects of CBD Gummies For Sleep?

Closeup of a medical professional in green scrubs with a stethoscope

Taking CBD on its own tends to produce mostly gentle, pleasant effects. However, a few side effects have been known to occur in some users. Though they’re usually very minor, especially compared with the potential problems from clinical sleep medications, it’s helpful to be aware of them in advance.

The most commonly reported side effects involve the gut, since the endocannabinoid system seems to be important for regulating appetite and digestion. If you’re eating CBD gummies, the most likely unwanted effect is a loss of appetite. Some users may also experience diarrhea, nausea, or dry mouth.

Your alertness and energy level can also be impacted. Sleepiness is a well-known side effect — though if you’re taking CBD for sleep, this may be a benefit rather than a side effect! On the other hand, some people experience daytime fatigue with regular CBD use.

Feelings of dizziness or lightheadedness have also been reported as CBD side effects. This may be due to cannabidiol’s ability to reduce blood pressure. If your blood pressure already tends to be low, or you’re using medications that can reduce it, you should consult a doctor before taking CBD sleep gummies.

Can CBD cause liver damage?

Some early studies suggested that the use of medical cannabis extracts might put people at risk of liver injury. While it’s important to exercise appropriate caution, more up-to-date studies suggest that this danger may have been exaggerated.

Many of the studies reporting this effect were conducted on children who were also taking anti-seizure medications with a known risk of liver toxicity. This suggests that the effect may have come from drug interactions rather than the direct effects of CBD. There have also been no findings of liver damage in people using less than 300 mg of cannabidiol per day — which is much higher than the dosage in most CBD gummies for sleep and anxiety.

How to Decrease the Risk of Side Effects From CBD Gummies

In addition to choosing CBD gummies from a reputable source like FOCL, you can reduce the odds of side effects by starting with a fairly low dose of CBD. We’d suggest beginning with 12-25 mg per night, increasing a little at a time if you’re still not getting enough rest. Check out our article on how much CBD to take for sleep if you want more info.

Timing your dose properly can also help. If you make sure to take your CBD gummies 45-60 minutes before you’re planning to sleep, you’re less likely to be disturbed by side effects like drowsiness or lack of appetite.

Finally, be careful about mixing CBD sleep gummies with other sleep supplements. The more substances you combine, the harder it can be to predict their effects.

Side Effects of Other Ingredients in CBD Sleep Gummies

Gummies meant to combat poor sleep may include some other active ingredients besides CBD. Some of these may have side effects of their own. As with CBD, these reactions are usually fairly minor when they occur at all.

Here are a few common “added ingredients” in sleep CBD gummies:


Many hemp-derived CBD products include a small but noticeable amount of THC, which can improve the user’s mood while helping them fall asleep faster. However, THC can produce unpleasant effects in sensitive individuals, such as paranoia, impaired judgment, diminished short-term memory, or difficulty concentrating.


Some CBD gummies might also contain gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), a neurotransmitter your body uses to slow down brain activity. The side effects of GABA aren’t fully understood, but reports suggest it can sometimes cause muscle weakness, headaches, and stomach upset. Some people also say they experience brief sensations of tingling skin, burning in the throat, or shortness of breath.


This hormone helps to regulate the circadian rhythms of sleep and waking. CBD gummies with melatonin may make it easier to get a good night’s sleep, especially when you’re dealing with an irregular sleep schedule. Some individuals find that they’re still groggy the next day, though. Other possible side effects include dry or itchy skin, irritability, and headaches.

Benefits of CBD Gummies For Sleep

a woman sleeping peacefully on the grass

We’ve talked a lot about the unpleasant reactions you can have to CBD sleep gummies. But what about their positive health effects? Here are just a few of the ways that cannabidiol may benefit people dealing with sleep disorders:

Falling Asleep Faster

Multiple studies have found evidence that taking CBD may decrease sleep latency — the time needed to fall asleep after settling into bed. This might be partly because cannabidiol can make you sleepier and partly because it soothes the anxious thoughts that could keep you up at night.

Staying Asleep Longer

Many people report that in addition to getting you to sleep more quickly, CBD gummies help you remain asleep. A 2024 randomized trial found that most people using CBD (even at fairly low doses) experienced a “clinically significant improvement” in sleep quality.

Fewer Sleep Interruptions

In addition to its direct sleep-promoting effects, CBD might be good for you if you’re often woken up or kept awake by things like irritation, tension, and pain. A study on patients with chronic nerve pain concluded that CBD helped them feel less pain and stay asleep longer. Other research has found similar benefits for things like obstructive sleep apnea or REM sleep behavior disorder.

Feeling Better Rested

People using CBD gummies often wake up feeling more refreshed and restored. This could be related to the ability of CBD to increase your body’s levels of the signaling molecule anandamide. Anandamide seems to have a role in promoting “slow-wave” sleep, which is crucial for functions like muscle recovery, memory consolidation, immune health, and clearing away metabolic waste.

Slumber Soundly With Top-Quality CBD Sleep Gummies

a blue jar of FOCL CBD Gummies For Sleep

If you’re concerned about side effects, taking natural sleep CBD gummies without melatonin, GABA, or other active ingredients can help minimize the risk. FOCL’s premium full-spectrum CBD gummies are a great example. They give your body a gentle nudge toward dreamland using CBD, CBN (another non-psychoactive cannabinoid), and extracts of calming botanicals like passionflower and green tea.

They’re also completely vegan, non-GMO, and cruelty-free, and our ironclad quality standards ensure that they contain zero contaminants. Best of all, they’re covered by our industry-leading 60-day satisfaction guarantee. You can test their effects on your sleep with no risk to your wallet. Stop by our product page to learn more and order your first batch!